


Yesterday was Ray x Olivia date.

It was soooo cold. I decided to wear something with a lot of layers.

photo of Ray in mall store mirror

headpiece... BODYLINE

snowflakes border

selfie of Ray with long curled twin tails

selfie of Ray with long curled twin tails

I managed to style my hair well.snowflake sparkles

Doesn't it look so shiny?

snowflakes border

We went to the thrift store first... there was nothing good.crying frown

Then we were hungry so it was DOUGH ZONE!

photo of an empty plate covered in chili oil with utensils on top, a tea cup, and an uneaten bowl of chili oil wontons

Ray's order was: crab and pork xiaolongbao, which I inhaled before I took the pic, pork wonton in chili oil (it was bad this time, it was all soggy), and chrysanthemum tea.tea cup

selfie of Ray and Olivia

Selfie of Ray and Olivia

unamused facesilly face with big lips

Then we went to a mall a bit further away so we could poke around the "young people stores".

There was a crazy selection in the tampon machine wwww

tampon machine offering super tampons, sour patch kids, ultra thin panty liners, life savers mints, and fake gold jewelry


mall store mirror selfie of Ray and Olivia

mall store mirror selfie of Ray and Olivia

Olivia gave me this friend that she won in a claw machine.sparkling hearts

orange monkey plush keychain

I had so much fun and I can't wait to go out again.running man

mail envelope with heartTo Olivia:thank you

PS: Starting with this blog, I have added alt text to the images and deco, which should make my blog a bit more visually accessible for those who use a screen reader. I'm sorry it has taken me this long to do so.thumbs up baby


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