I am so dead lately.
I overexerted myself on Christmas week and yes from then I'm still exhausted.
Lately I'm waking up at 5:30 to cook J breakfast before work. Yesterday I went back to sleep from around 7-9 and I had the worst sleep paryalisis when I woke up, so today I tried not drinking coffee in the morning (which put me in such a bad mood w) and I slept from 7-12:30 or so and I didn't have sleep paralysis when I woke Up!!!! So maybe I solved the mystery of why that happens for me?

Today's breakfast:
Isn't this a particularly American breakfast spread wwww. Something heavy and greasy and salty with no fresh veg and fruit (except my blueberries) to start your day with a brick in your gut. That's the American way.

I put the pooh-san keychain I bought the other day on my phone, along with a abalone hibiscus, now my phone has much more summery vibe.
It might be 1999 again, I'm not sure. I'm soooo tired of winter I'm craving UV exposure so bad. And I'm also craving time with friends. Everyone is so busy at the start of the year. I'm in such a bad mood about it. ugh.

I'm gonna rename all my decome today to keywords so I can locate them better in my folder.
ps: today I finally fixed the spacing around the decome in my text body. If you also use blogger and have this problem, this is the code I used:
.post-body a[style*='margin'] {margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;}
wait wait wait...
返信削除how do you save decome?