


the day before yesterday Sophia and I went out for lunch and shopping.

we got cheese dogs

I got a donut too but I ate it before I took a pic w


We went to DAISO and I got Xena some new bandanas because they had POOH!

they also had a POOH aroma diffuser? 

I would say it smells like honeysuckles maybe.

and then that night I went to the emergency room....

yeah it happens so often these days I know.

I'm okay I got nothing new out of it.

I ordered some new magazines (and my favorite toothpaste w) so I'll show them when they arrive!


boom... ambiguous?


I'm not sure lately

I'm reading the blogs of Himena, Kanda, and Ge-ha-ko lately

personally I feel more motivated in my style and lifestyle when I read blogs because they show the simple real life.

lately I'm really unmotivated. It's not like I don't want to, it's just that I don't know what I want.

you know what I mean?

I ate a huge salad earlier and now it's not settling well, and I'm a bit grumpy because of it.

So I'm thinking about my other frustrations.

lately I can't find any clothes I like or that I want to buy either.

so I just wear sweats and the same thing every day.

my hair is ugly and I can't get my weight under control.

I'm very stressed.

should I just stop caring? maybe.

but my style and lifestyle are very important to me.

So of course I'm gonna care about it.

I don't know any solution to be honest.

maybe I should talk to my therapist w 




actually it's 2pm but whatever

today I called out of work

just the thought of going I couldn't bare.

so I went back to bed instead

and honestly I stayed there all day.

last night J made us skewered meat and it was really yummy especially the vegetables.

so yummy I want to eat it again already.

E? my yt recommendations are so broken w

my nails had to come off today because they were too grown out and all starting to fall off


gets report


today we check on the recent gets

I have a few


I got a black sweatsuit which is boring

but also

new pajamas

detail point:

from Nordstrom Rack:

super oversized!

From ULTA:

these are so silly I had to buy them.

these smell sooo good

banana is my smell obsession rn w


I feel so devious when I see the Li-ion sticker 

iPhone 4s

all because of a magazine spread I was reading hahahaha

ok that's all




good eveningg

my weekend is over

we went out with my fiancé's father today.

I've only briefly met him once before so I was sooooo nervous but it was nice.

menu was burger and truffle fries

I also made a star charm for my lip

I've wanted one for a long time!