


weekend wrap up 

I barely even remember honestly ww

friday is work day 

but I forgot to check the time until I was already supposed to leave

I wasn't late though 

I ruined my coat while trying to repaint the windows

My MIL gave it to me as a gift so I'm really upset about it

Saturday is hubby's birthday celebration.

MIL took us out to brunch

meal was caesar salad and a lemon drop

the drink was very strong w I guess that's how it is at brunch

then we went to the plant store

We bought entirely too much plants...

MIL got a few things but I especially like these little lovers

I also got my January succulent subscription box (finally) after a lot of issues with the company.

I repotted almost everything today so here's the new babies:

Apparently this one is just called "Roger" w

"Cathedral Windows" looks super similar to prayer plants, I really like those. He was on sale.

another Prayer Plant! He was on sale because he is a little damaged. I hope he will be okay.

this one is called a tradescantia. Hubby picked this one out so it's his.

A new Dracaena! I sized up his pot because I wanna make him grow really big like my other one.

biggest succulent I've ever had. he's got some rot so he was discounted, I'm nervous but I'm gonna try to keep him healthy.

red nerve plant, I promised myself I would buy it next time I went to the shop and this was the only red one left, so I'm really glad I went before he was sold.

This one is called a friendship plant? I thought he looked kind of funny so I had to get him w

it's a "lime sparkler". I think I might have already killed it w 

We did only chores yesterday, on Hubby's actual birthday. 

we are really into Jamba Juice lately, so we got it and also chipotle.

Just grocery shopping and then went home.

He was just relaxing for the day and I mostly left him alone w 

Today as well he stayed home and we got Jamba Juice again

so all I did today is worked on a blog resource collection and repot plants w 

I guess this is the ideal life 


2023 02 24



I stopped blogging basically because a lot of bad things happened and I started to hate everyone I met online, myself, and being alive. 

I was just mad at it and I didn't care about it anymore.

but my diary is therapeutic and I'm very lonely now so I should keep going with it. 

Well anyways it's my hubby's birthday this weekend

I don't know if we will even do anything at all because he is a very quiet person and also doesn't like holidays

I will let you know I guess.

I'm an uncle now as of about 2 hours ago!!

I'm so happy

His little eyes are soooo big and his cry is so gentle. 

I think he's going to be such a sweet and gentle boy. 

I can't wait to meet him and I already love him so much.

actually I'm crying while I write about him because I love him so much ww

What should I bring as a gift when I meet them?

I think I will buy them a yummy liquor w

I want to have a meetup because I miss my irl friends very much,

 But they all just had a meetup of their own, 

I had to miss it because I was in a bad mood and I had to go to work

Maybe if I wait a couple of weeks everyone will have energy again?

maybe we can go for karaoke 

I want the weather to get better soon, because I want to go out in the sun or go to the beach

I'm missing the beach soo much

I think I have to go at least every few months or I'll get sick or something w

all winter is too long

I have to hurry up and get rich so I can travel to a sunny place during wintertime